Training now offered to Extension Areas!


The Language Access Team now offers an in-service training to Extension Areas as an opportunity for ongoing professional development.


Title: Linguistically inclusive programming for multilingual audiences

Duration: Approximately 2-2.5 hours

Overview: This training is designed for multi-county Areas and explores how Extension colleagues can integrate and manage language access services for programming efforts. The training informs colleagues of the available support for developing multilingual materials and creating linguistically inclusive program events. Training topics incorporate presentations and discussion around strategies to promote programming that is both culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate.

Key themes:

  • Understanding bias and exclusion through the lens of language-based privilege
  • Evaluating the needs for translating text-based content
  • How to plan in-person events around interpretation needs
  • Delivering programming with the support of interpreter services


If you are interested in scheduling a training for your Area, please notify your Area Extension Director.